Software Development Outsourcing to Bangladesh: Is it Worth it?

software development outsourcing to bangladesh
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In the ever-evolving software development landscape, outsourcing has become a strategic choice for businesses seeking cost-effective and quality solutions. One country that has emerged as a prominent player in the global software outsourcing market is Bangladesh. Bangladesh’s IT infrastructure has significantly transitioned over the previous decade, making it an appealing location for outsourcing software development projects.

In this post, we will look at the benefits and drawbacks of working with a Bangladeshi offshore software development company, how to choose the proper outsourcing partner and make a recommendation based on industry knowledge.

Bangladesh in a Nutshell

Bangladesh, a nation in South Asia, is renowned for its colorful culture, beautiful surroundings, and quickly expanding IT industry. Bangladesh, which has a population of more than 160 million people and a youthful labor force, has established itself as a desirable location for software outsourcing. And also Bangladesh is the best place for IT staff augmentation.

More than 1,200 software and IT service providers are based in Bangladesh, according to the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), and they provide a broad spectrum of skills in several technologies, including web development, mobile app development, and artificial intelligence.

What Are the Advantages of Choosing a Bangladeshi Outsourcing Software Development Company

1. Cost-Effectiveness

The considerable cost reductions that outsourcing software development to Bangladesh provides are one of its main benefits. Compared to industrialized nations like the United States, Canada, or the United Kingdom, Bangladesh’s labor costs are substantially cheaper. The average hourly wage for software engineers in Bangladesh is $12, according to Statista. In comparison, software engineers in the US make $50 to $150 per hour on average. Businesses may stretch their budgets further thanks to this cost-benefit without sacrificing quality.

2. Skilled Workforce

Bangladesh has made significant investments to enhance its educational system, creating a sizable pool of gifted IT experts. A large number of engineering and computer science graduates are produced annually in the nation, assuring a consistent supply of qualified programmers for software projects. Additionally, a large number of IT specialists in Bangladesh have international certifications, are knowledgeable about current trends in technology, and follow industry best practices.

3. English Proficiency

One typical worry with outsourcing is the potential for a language barrier. On the contrary, the level of English proficiency in Bangladesh is relatively high and makes it easy to communicate with customers from English-speaking nations. Because of this language advantage, fewer miscommunications occur throughout the development process, and more work is done in tandem.

4. Time Zone Compatibility

Bangladesh operates in the GMT+6 time zone, which overlaps with the working hours of many Western nations. It is 9 to 10 hours ahead of the Eastern Standard Time zone, making it a desirable outsourcing location for U.S.-based businesses. This time zone difference enables businesses to operate around the clock, thereby shortening the duration of projects. This compatibility allows for real-time communication and rapid turnaround times, thereby reducing project delays and boosting productivity.

5. Government Support and Infrastructure

The government of Bangladesh has recognized the potential of the IT industry and has taken proactive steps to promote its development. Tax incentives, subsidies, and the establishment of technology parks have attracted both domestic and foreign investors. In addition, significant enhancements have been made to the nation’s digital infrastructure, including high-speed internet connectivity and dependable electricity supply.

6. Cultural Affinity

The cultural affinity between Bangladesh and Western nations is essential for fostering productive collaboration between clients and outsourcing teams. With shared work ethics, communication styles characterized by politeness and respect, and a commitment to adopting international best practices, the cultural alignment between Bangladesh and Western nations fosters effective communication, a streamlined workflow, and mutual understanding. This cultural affinity assists in bridging potential disparities in work ethics, communication methods, and business practices, enhancing the overall outsourcing experience and ensuring client satisfaction.

7. Adaptability to Global Standards

Bangladeshi outsourcing software development companies excel in adapting to global business standards through professional growth, exposure to international projects, and proactive learning. They adopt emerging technologies and methodologies, staying updated on software industry trends and delivering solutions that adhere to international standards. Their experience with diverse clients enables them to tailor services to meet specific needs, making Bangladesh a competitive outsourcing destination. They provide clients with solutions that integrate seamlessly into the global business landscape while maintaining technical expertise and industry best practices.

What are the Disadvantages of Choosing a Bangladeshi Outsourcing Software Development Company

1. Limited Market Awareness

While Bangladesh’s IT industry has made significant strides, it is still a relative newcomer to the global outsourcing market. Consequently, some companies may be concerned about the market awareness and exposure of Bangladeshi companies compared to more established outsourcing destinations.

2. Assuring Quality and Deadline

To ensure quality and meet project deadlines when outsourcing software development to Bangladesh, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and choose an experienced and reputable company. This can be achieved by evaluating the company’s portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies. Factors such as years in operation, team size, and industry reputation can also help determine their stability and capabilities. To avoid delays and misalignments, it is essential to manage time and projects with care. Establishing defined objectives, milestones, and deliverables and maintaining open communication throughout the development process ensures timely progress updates and desired results.

3. Intellectual Property Protection

When a company decides to outsource software development, protecting its intellectual property rights is a top priority. While improvements have been made, some firms may still be wary of doing business in Bangladesh due to concerns about the country’s enforcement of data security and intellectual property regulations. Those worries must be addressed, and solid legal arrangements must be made to protect private data.

How to Choose an Offshore Software Development Company from Bangladesh

1. Define Project Requirements

Spell out the parameters of your project in detail, including its scope, cost, and expected completion date. This will assist you in assessing the competence and flexibility of possible outsourcing partners. Think about things like the level of difficulty of your project, the technology you’ll need, and any relevant industry legislation or compliance requirements.

2. Portfolio and Expertise

Examine the outsourcing company’s portfolio to determine their experience delivering similar projects. Consider their technical expertise, industry knowledge, and specialized technologies. This will give you an idea of their capabilities and whether or not they have effectively completed similar projects.

3. Client References and Reviews

Inquire with their previous clients about their work quality, communication skills, and adherence to deadlines. Online platforms such as Clutch, Upwork, and LinkedIn can provide valuable recommendations and reviews. Request references from the outsourcing company and contact those clients directly to obtain firsthand information regarding the company’s performance. Aside from this, it is crucial to check reviews and complaints from relevant Facebook groups as it is the most popular social media in Bangladesh.

4. Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is essential for outsourcing success. Evaluate the organization’s communication channels, language skills, and project management tools to ensure seamless collaboration. Consider their responsiveness, communication transparency, and ability to comprehend and address your specific needs. A devoted project manager or point of contact can considerably expedite communication and project coordination.

5. Data Security Measures

Inquire about the company’s data security practices, including intellectual property protection, data privacy, and regulatory compliance. Inquire about their infrastructure, backups, and disaster recovery strategies. Ensure they have implemented stringent security protocols to protect sensitive data throughout the software development process. It would be best if you also considered non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to safeguard your intellectual property.

By following these guidelines and thoroughly evaluating potential outsourcing software development companies, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project requirements and ensures a successful outsourcing partnership.

Is it Worth It

  • Bangladesh provides considerable cost reductions in software development due to reduced labor expenses, enabling firms to make the most of their budgets. However, issues regarding the protection of intellectual property must be addressed.
  • Bangladesh boasts a sizable pool of competent IT workers, assuring a consistent supply of qualified programmers. However, low market knowledge might provide exposure problems.
  • Real-time communication and quick project turnaround are made possible by the overlapping time zones with Western countries. However, it is important to handle linguistic and cultural differences well.
  • Both local and international investors are drawn to the IT sector by the government’s support, which includes tax breaks and technology parks. Regulating and enforcing data security, however, is still a challenge.

We may conclude that Bangladesh is at least worthy of a try by carefully weighing the benefits of cost-effectiveness, competent labor, time zone compatibility, and government assistance, while also addressing possible obstacles. You may get greater outsourcing advantages from Bangladesh than from most other countries by picking the proper business.

Our Recommendation for Outsourcing Collaboration In Bangladesh

To maximize the benefits of Software Development, we recommend assembling a team of skilled developers or partnering with a software development outsourcing firm. If you’re uncertain about the recruiting process, we have an exhaustive guide to help you hire the appropriate Software Developers for your project.

However, we recommend partnering with a reputable software development outsourcing company such as Vivasoft. Vivasoft is a market-leading provider of Software Development services. Our team of devoted and highly-skilled developers are impassioned about maximizing the potential of Software Development to create robust and effective applications. With more than six years of experience and a demonstrated track record, our developers have effectively completed a wide variety of projects in a variety of industries.

If you require a team of Software Developers who are experts in Software Development, here are some compelling arguments for choosing Vivasoft:

  • Personalized Solutions: We offer personalized solutions that are tailored to your unique project requirements and business goals.
  • Expertise and Experience: Our highly competent and experienced developers are well-versed in all facets of Software Development.
  • Effective Communication: Throughout the development process, we prioritize open and truthful communication.
  • Effectiveness and Quality: Our software applications are dependable, productive, and scalable.
  • Maintenance and Post-Development Support: We provide comprehensive post-development support and maintenance programmes to guarantee your application’s optimal performance.
  • Client Satisfaction: We endeavor to exceed our clients’ expectations and develop enduring partnerships.

Never settle for anything less than spectacular for your Software Development requirements.
Contact us immediately to discuss your project specifications and discover the true potential of Software Development for your organization.

Final Thoughts

Bangladesh is a compelling option for businesses seeking cost-effective software development solutions due to its expanding IT industry and advantages as an outsourcing destination. Bangladesh provides a favorable environment for outsourcing software projects due to its competent labor force, competitive pricing, English proficiency, and time zone compatibility. But you need to choose the right software company in Bangladesh.

Nevertheless, it is essential to consider potential obstacles, such as limited market awareness and cultural differences, and to resolve them through effective communication, project management, and legal agreements. By selecting a reputable outsourcing partner such as Vivasoft Limited, businesses can unlock growth and success opportunities in Bangladesh’s flourishing IT metropolis.

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